Welcome to NEXTGEN Aviators
Welcome to NEXTGEN Aviators! We inspire the next generation to pursue their dreams.
NEXTGEN Aviators Background
The background of NEXTGEN Aviators was born out of trying to solve the aviation workforce problem at Dynamic Aviation. This video covers how NEXTGEN Aviators is the solution.
Be a Part of the Solution
There exists a chasm between our nation’s need for skilled trade labor and STEM skills and the ability to meet that demand. Every year, that chasm widens further.
Join NEXTGEN Aviators now and be part of the solution. Watch this video to understand our vision to serve, our plan to succeed, and what you can do to help solve this real and growing problem.
Funding NEXTGEN Aviators
NEXTGEN Aviators cannot happen without funding. This video covers our pricing and the numbers we’re currently seeing with participants.
Benefits of NEXTGEN Aviators
What is your return on investment beyond providing an exceptional experience for teenagers? The benefits of NEXTGEN Aviators for you goes beyond just that.
The Classic Aviation Mixer
The classic aviation mixer provides you a unique experience to bring your current and future customers together, to break bread, have fun, and have an extraordinarily memorable experience.